Report for Anno’s Africa Malawi programme 2023.
We went to Malawi in September with our new project for 2023 which was to set up a circus school in Mzuzu and eventually a Circus Troupe who can tour the country and allow Anno’s Africa Malawi to become a self-sufficient entity, not relying on financial support from the Mother Ship in the U.K. There is no tradition of Circus in Malawi and certainly no aerial arts and the only “circus skills” practiced are acrobatics so this seems like a viable proposal.
We brought out two highly talented professional aerial performers, Claire Crook and Daisy Williams, who volunteered to teach four young Malawian students to fly! The aim was for the trainees to go on to become performers themselves and also teach the art to our older children at Chipatula school who are showing athletic promise. It was a very challenging training and students needed to be dedicated to keeping fit and improving their core strength, so after we left we arranged for them to have once a week training sessions and to hold zoom classes with Claire and Daisy whenever possible.
As well as Daisy and Claire we had Kate Jones who runs Circus Cimera in North Wales with us who supervised the project and Alex Haycock who teaches with the Cimera circus school in Wales. They held classes in stilt walking, slack wire, various juggling skills and Kate also taught costume design to art teacher Bilton Kayange. We arranged with Hassan Wasili to continue these new circus skills after Cimera left – alongside his existing acrobatic classes.
Trustee Lia Craig accompanied the UK team, bringing new supplies of art materials for the nest year’s projects. She worked alongside Bilton on mask making, whilst also planning the next term’s art projects which include children creating art works that will be sent to the UK to be framed and exhibited at the next fund raiser to pay for new art materials for Malawi.
Emmanuel Ngwira, a well established performer here in Malawi, who teaches traditional dance and singing working with the kids, recording some Malawian songs to for the sound track to the documentary Andrew Birkin (visiting co-founder of Anno’s Africa) was making about the new circus venture and the ongoing Arts programmes. Andrew has just finished editing the footage and will be sending it to the trustees and also uploading extracts onto you tube with links on our website.
We left Mzuzu after holding an open Day at Macondo camp where the aerialists and their students demonstrated their skills on equipment rigged in the trees in the garden. A group of the circus children had a glorious time showing what they had learnt, and two of the team welcomed guests on their super tall stilts, wearing the spectacular costumes that had been made by Kate and Bilton.
We invited three private fee paying schools in the area to this event and all seem to be very keen to engage with Anno’s Africa Malawi and would like our trainers to hold extra-curricular lessons with some of their fee paying students. The premise for this project is that the more well off children in Mzuzu will be directly supporting their poorer cousins in Chipatula and Kanthete by helping to fund their programmes. This will be a rewarding social interaction for all of them we are sure and a system that Anno’s Africa in Kenya has been encouraging for the last fourteen years, to great effect.
Although circus took precedence for this special project, we are now continuing our ongoing general programmes in Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Circus skills at two schools in Mzuzi: Chipatula Primary and Kanthete Primary which is just outside the city.
It was altogether a very productive three weeks and we are very grateful to Cimera Circus for being part of this venture – especially as they all came as volunteers and paid their own air fares!
Anno’s Africa Trustee Lia Craig and programme manager Bee Gilbert visited Malawi in the autumn of 2022 to check on how the programme there was running as we have not been able to visit since 2019. Thanks to the generosity of the Blond Trust, the team have been able to keep going with weekly classes it three schools with basic classes each week during the term as well as holiday programmes but we wanted to give them a morale boost and come up with some new ideas..
We were there for ten days and in spite of the huge problems of the rise in costs of living - and the fact we couldn't feed the hungry children as well as we would have wished, the visit was very rewarding .
We managed to run extra classes in all the arts and to base all our programmes on climate change and suggest how the children can help develop environmental projects for themselves to help their communities get on top of the local problems of plastic waste and de-forestation. The art classes came up with some beautiful masks and cut-outs representing the animals and plants that need protection and the composer Stephen Warbeck created a song especially for Anno’s Africa, based on the need for tree planting.
The performance groups learnt the song in English for the end of term open day performance. This song is also being recorded by our choir in Kenya as the theme is, of course, universal – to plant more trees! We will be posting the song on YouTube shortly.
“Trees are growing now, where plastic rubbish blew”….
Whilst we were in Mzuzu we concluded that, given the current financial crisis, it was time to create some kind of in country “self-financing” , so we decided to set up an Anno’s Africa Malawi circus school for fee-paying children – and adults too if they were interested.
Our generous hosts at Macondo camp, Luca and Cecilia, lent us their garden as a venue to hold an open day exhibition where parent could sign up for their children – and themselves. Cecilia designed a beautiful poster, and the event was held on December 22nd.
There was good take up for places so as soon as a space to hold the classes is confirmed they will run once a week. We have supplied all the basic equipment – with a slack wire, aerial silks and a hoop as well as various size unicycles, juggling materials, ropes and crash mats for the acrobatics. With luck the circus school will be up and running by the end of January and will be good publicity for the charity generally, as there is no circus yet in the north so perhaps this project can develop as a programme and we can ultimately set up a professional Circus Troupe to tour the country.
Altogether it was a very joyful experience for us and we have left some very happy children - and a revitalized team full of enthusiasm about becoming more self-sufficient financially and thus being able to develop more programmes themselves and hopefully keep going under their own steam as much as possible.
After Malawi, Bee went on to Kenya to check on the progress of the covid-postponed musical and meet our wonderful new music teacher, Brian O Kepher. We decided we could probably have the show ready in time for the opening of the new Art Centre in June . The various teachers are working closely with Kepher and drama teacher Kades and are all committed to creating something unique and fun – “Bugsy Malone meets West Side Story “ !
I joined Kepher’s regular music class just before leaving and was completely bowled over by what he had achieved with the kids in his choir after only four proper lessons. They are mostly new children this school year as many have moved on to secondary education but some of the older children do return for the holiday programmes and will be recording Stephen Warbeck’s environmental song with the younger kids.
We bought Kepher a full size keyboard to help in his classed and he is also teaching recorder and how to read music to a number of children who will be part of our planned classical orchestra. Once the centre is open we can start this project in earnest with professional musicians holding zoom master classes as well as visiting Kibera in person. More about this once the centre has opened….
The ballet group are also new students – with 45 young girls and many more waiting to join. There are also classes for the older girls, some of whom help out with the younger girls’ lessons as well and most of our secondary school girls come back in the holidays. We do have to try and encourage some more boys to start ballet – especially as we have the talented Melvin, a male teacher, as a role model for them. The general enthusiasm for his class is contagious and we are hoping some of the circus boys might want to learn ballet also.
Circus, drama, and art are all going well and the contemporary dance class will be learning the tango for the musical as well as hip hop and maybe some tap.
Once the building of the centre starts in a couple of weeks and we can no longer use the space, the classes will continue at KAG school – thanks to the generous support of the head teacher Violet.
The overall atmosphere in Kibera was very exciting with the imminent building of the Arts Centre and some extra classes being run by One Fine Day for school leavers, funded by the German government through GIZ. Many of our Anno’s Africa alumni have been able to participate in this project which has given them potential work opportunities and a lot of confidence in their capabilities.
The funding of the classes over the last three years after the Covid disaster has been very tough and it is only because of the help from our French Partners, Anno’s Arts, that we have been able to keep them going. But with new funding plans in the offing we are hopeful we can carry on for the foreseeable future – and when the Art Centre is complete we will be able to expand to include full holiday programmes and also invite more young adults to join as well as our regular students.
Malawi arts programme August/September 2019
Bee’s Report - General
Our Malawian programme began on August 26th at Kalambwe School in Nkhata Bay in Northern Malawi.
The team consisted of Bee, Alice King (artist and designer from Knee High Theatre,) and Kate Jones (founder and director of Circus Cimera from North Wales.) The following week they were joined by Lia Craig (fabric designer) and Calum Wragg-Smith and Alice Palmer from the As If comedy collective. The Malawian team was made up of James Mhango who runs the programme for Anno’s Africa and headed the drama class, Emmanuel and Chimemewe, music, Bilton and Thompson, Art and Hassan, circus. For the second and third two weeks Bilton and Thompson alternately joined Lia at the Mayoka lodge for classes in fabric design. They were joined for these lessons in the afternoon, during the first week, by five young artists from Nkhata Bay, Sam, Beulah, Star, Happiness and Marcus.
Classes at Kalambwe started at 9.00 am and ended at 3.00pm. As it was sill the summer holidays and no World Food Programme in the morning (normally they get porridge) so we fed the children rice, beans and cabbage each day as well as Sobo – a fruit squash drink, at the end of the classes.
For the first 3 days we circulated the children through the 4 disciplines to discern in which areas their particular talents lay, before settling on the final classes. These were, Art, Drama, Music/Dance and Circus. There were around 40 children in each class for the first few days but these settled down to a final total of around 130 in all by the end of the week. Primary education is free in Malawi but there are around 1,400 children in the schools with classes of 100 and just one teacher. Some classrooms have desks but the younger children sit on the floor. Children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia have to struggle through as best they can. A surprising number of kids do pass their grade 8 examinations and most do learn to read and write. The children are supposed to learn English but very few have more than a few words so our Malawian team were vital to translate as well as teach. But most children speak more than one Malawian language – with Chichewe being the official tongue but Tonga spoken in Nhkata Bay and Tumbuka in the north of the country. The languages are all quite different so it is astounding that that some of our teaching team speak as many as five languages fluently and are all very proficient in English as that is the language used for examinations and further education.
The two weeks at Kalambwe whizzed by – with the kids in art class creating amazing animal masks and structures under Alice King’s guidance and the Malawian trainers learning interesting new skills. Everything was made from available materials, using cardboard, split bamboo and homemade glue – i.e. all things that can be accessed or created locally once we left. The magnificent elephant was constructed on a bamboo frame covered in sheets from the market and the chickens were life size puppets with kids draped in sheeting with cardboard beaks and tails made from long grass. The masks for the other animals were all made from cardboard and brown paper tape and then painted.
The story for the show was created by members of the team with input of ideas from all of the children. It had an environmental/eco theme; at the lake this concentrated on water and plastic pollution and later in the inland school we concentrated on a de-forestation theme and the need to preserve water and grow sustainable plants.
We performed the show on a Saturday around midday at Kalambwe,. We sent the musicians to the main road with drums to literally “drum up” an audience and we drew a good crowd, The kids were over the top with pride and excitement and the show ended with a wild celebratory dance which included some of the kids from audience.The head teacher has set up an Anno’s Africa Art club and the team from Mzuzu will go down once a month to Nkhata Bay to inspire and teach.
The second show in Mkondezi was equally over-subscribed with children on the first days – and as it was a rural village it was very hard to keep the numbers down since it was till holiday time and the news of rice and beans spread like wild fire. Heartbreakingly we had to be fairly brutal and try to confine the feeding programme to our 130 kids but ended up feeding around 150 each day.
The story at this school followed a similar conservation theme – with the sun God once again sending down his 7 daughters to see what was going wrong with the world and encourage awareness about how to save the planet from climate change and the general destruction of natural resources.
The schools went back during our second week at Mkondezi so we had to alter the hours to midday to 4pm. This meant a chaotic lunch on arrival with teachers trying to extract the Anno’s Africa participants from the general melee of fourteen hundred “learners” as they call the students.
A tough week here with noise levels and interruption from kids not in the programme peering in through classroom windows and trying to gate-crash the food queues. It proved a very hot and challenging time for the team but the children – and the teachers - were wonderfully resilient and by the end of the week a performance was just about ready. However, owing to the spread of the pupil’s homes over several miles and some children walking for over an hour to school, it was decided that we should do the performance on the last Friday and not Saturday as planned. This would have been fine but for a teacher’s husband dying of a stroke on Thursday night so we arrived at 9 am to hold our final rehearsals before the show at 1.00 to find 1400 kids running wild with no teachers in sight as they were all paying their respects at the funeral. Bedlam ruled for three hours as we tried to pull together a final rehearsal. We ended up sending all the kids not in the programme to the performance space where they were joined by loads of curious villagers, so the dress rehearsal had to be performed in front of a vast crowd and was a singularly chaotic event. However after lunch, when a lot of the kids had gone home and order was somewhat restored, the show proper did take place – this time to another huge audience – but mainly parents and members of the community. The audience was once again drummed up by Emmanuel and his team of singers. This mobilization was very exciting – with the crowd arriving in a dusty parade up the main track – shouting and singing and setting the mood of excitement that held throughout the afternoon. Altogether a lovely show – with deliriously over the top comedy from some of the drama kids and a brilliant circus team doing cartwheels and daring acrobatics. The music was wonderful with appropriate songs carrying the story, composed by Emmanuel and Chimemewe.. The elephant and other costumes designed by Alice King caused gasps of wonder and the show ended on such a high that we all danced away from Mkondezi feeling elated and proud – and mightily relieved and happy that it had been such a joyous day after the appalling start in the morning!
The fabric design programme went really well also with Thompson and Bilton creating some beautiful designs for cushion covers, aprons etc. We showed the samples to Luca at Macondo lodge in Mzuzu and he has already said he is very keen to promote them and to sell their work at his shop in the lodge. The boys have portfolios with photos of samples of their designs that they can also show to get commissions locally and they will be attending various art fares and showing their work there. Mark Lewis from his Holmfirth Fair Trade shop in Yorkshire who has contacts in Malawi has already agreed to advise them on how to form a co-operative in the hope they can sell in the U.K.
The long term plan for Malawi is to create a “Circus/Theatre” company with adult performers who can not only teach the children (who can later join the company) but also begin to tour the country with a conservation based show that will carry the eco message throughout the various regions – and maybe eventually to neighbouring countries also
Calum’s report - Drama
My experience working at Anno’s Africa in Malawi
I had one of the greatest and most inspiring months of my life working in partnership with Anno’s Africa in Malawi whilst representing AS IF Comedy. I genuinely didn't stop smiling from the moment I walked into the classroom.
At both schools I focused on teaching acting and physical comedy.
The children I worked with needed that first bit of encouragement to get going but once they had that confidence and once they saw you mucking around and dropping your guard, they were in their element and loved to play. I enjoyed using comedy for a purpose in both shows. Humour and a serious message are a very powerful tool when trying to change something. The comedy makes the audience listen and laugh and then they absorb it.
It was also brilliant to have young people taking a platform and educating older members of the community. I think it's rare for young people, regardless of where they’re from, to be leaders and to vocalise problems that their communities are facing. It was beautiful to see the transformation in the level of confidence of the children we worked with. Many were extremely young and by the end of our time with them had the confidence and bravery to stand up in front of their friends and family and say – ‘look, we are facing a problem with the way that were treating the world.’
We had two beautifully talented young clowns in our group called Blessings and Samuel. They both played the character of a wood chopper with the purpose to highlight the issues of deforestation and climate change. They were both natural performers and took to the stage like a duck to water. They relished in the adrenaline and excitement of it all and were completely absorbed in every rehearsal. These natural talents would certainly go unnoticed without Anno’s Africa.
Anno’s is such an important organisation because it enables children for the very first time to be able to express themselves creatively. Whether, singing, dancing, using slapstick comedy, or making giant elephants – it gives them a lasting confidence and the ability to stand up in front of a crowd and act like a fool. I look forward to collaborating again soon.
Alice’s report - Drama
Annos Africa Malawi 2019 was a month like no other I have ever experienced. The seamless camaraderie between the UK and Malawian team along with the energy and enthusiasm of the children made for great success from the get go. I work with children almost daily in the UK, but I have never in my life been greeted with such a determination to learn, develop and communicate as I was in Malawi.
Both schools we worked within were facing their own obstacles- most commonly involving very limited resources, staggering staff to student ratios and insufficient food provision. The welcoming of our team into both settings was joyful and bound together by a determination to take on new skills- whether that be learning some English, making a puppet, or speaking in-front of an audience for the first time.
Two weeks in each school passed very quickly, but the clear transformation of some children within that time was staggering. I worked closely with James within the acting class, and those mumbling their names on the first day were speaking clearly and confidently onstage by the time both shows came around. Because of the sizes of classes in Malawi being so vast, it’s very difficult for teachers to teach in a conversational rather didactic way. Our classes were clearly ecstatic to have two teachers to just 30 of them- and the bringing together of games and exercises from James, myself and Calum made for a fantastic month of drama. We auditioned - whether that be for a farmer or a hyena- in both schools as part of the process, and what struck me most was the support the children had for each other. Even if parts were swapped around due to absence or costume size, I saw very little evidence of competition, only support for each others achievements. The room would erupt with screams of joy and celebration for whoever was selected to stand forward and deliver a line or play the infamous wise tortoise. This was so exciting to be a part of, especially in comparison to UK schools where auditions most often make for imminent fall outs.
Two boys in particular stood out for me at the second school, Mkondezi. They were asked to play wood cutters- contributing to our overall themes of deforestation and environmentalism. We devised a short script with them and watched magic happen almost immediately- they started improvising off what they’d been given. Using physical comedy almost akin to Charlie Chaplin and his piano sketch- the two pushed and pulled piles of wood across the stage with unique comic timing and focus- resulting in the audience roaring with laughter again and again. They had brought in their fathers clothes to ensure they were in perfect costume and could be found warming up just the two of them behind a tree, just as you’d find in any professional theatre. It was incredible to watch them with the whole school in the palm of their hands, and I have no doubt those two boys will go on to great things.
I had little idea what to expect with it being my first experience with Annos Africa. Every aspect of my preconceptions were surpassed, and I am unwaveringly sure that this charity is unique in both the peoples and projects it brings together. Every single person it reached learnt something, laughed, sang, danced, cartwheeled, shared experience, brought something forward to the table and took something away with them. I feel incredibly privileged to have brought my knowledge of drama and comedy to Annos- but couldn’t have done anything with it unless it had been greeted, translated, taken and ran with in the way that it was last month. Thank you to all whom made it possible, I can assure you the Annos family are one of a kind and hope this is just one step in a journey to facilitating an integral creative eduction for those who need it most.
Lia’s Report - Textile design.
Pilot Fabric Printing Programme August/September 2019
I had almost three weeks in Malawi working with the Malawian Team’s artists, Bilton and Thompson on a pilot fabric printing programme. Firstly Bilton and Thompson built the printing tables! Neither of them are trained carpenters and it was quite a challenge, but they did a wonderful job and made two sturdy tables which they could also use at the planned cooperative in Mzuzu. After that I worked with them individually so that one of them could always be in school helping with the show.
I worked with Thompson first showing him how to mix and use the specialist fabric dyes, looking at samples of work along with books on design and colour ways. Thompson was just brilliant from the beginning. He worked methodically and with great skill and confidence. He instinctively understood pattern and repeat and produced some truly beautiful work. (Thompson is a sign writer and paints advertisements on shopfronts and so is already used to working in this way).
We invited a group of young artists from the village (Nkhata Bay) to attend. They came each morning for a week - Happiness, Snow, Marcus, Chris and Buala. They each printed a bag (which they kept) and I think really enjoyed the process. Buala, a local seamstress, was particularly keen and we gave her fabric dyes and a selection of lino cuts which she’ll use to decorate her clothes, scarfs etc (apparently her customers really liked the design on her bag). We did explain that if they wanted to do any more printing they should come to the cooperative in Mzuzu, but as transport is so expensive (no public transport) it’s unlikely they will attend. However Buala plans to try and source the dyes herself from a South African contact.
I then worked with Bilton who was not so confident at first as it was very different to anything he’s done before, but after a few days he produced some beautiful work. His work is very fresh, colourful and quite different to Thompson’s, I think they really compliment each other.
Soon after I left they set up the printing tables in James’ office in Mzuzu and started work. They each have a portfolio and samples of their work which they have shown to Luca at Macondo Lodge in Mzuzu and he has already offered to display their wares and help them sell. They have also had a meeting with Mark & Lydia Lewis (Lydia is Malawian) who run a Fair Trade shop in Yorkshire. Mark and Lydia will help them set up a cooperative in order to send fabrics to his shop and sell on line. Thompson sold two printed aprons at the meeting ! There’s a big Arts Festival near Lilongwe early in November and James has organised space on a stall there so Thompson and Bilton can showcase their work.
Meanwhile the Blond Trust have awarded another £2,000 to the printing programme which will pay for materials, dyes, transport etc . The specialist fabric dyes are expensive , but used correctly should last a long time.
It was an absolute privilege to be involved with this project. Thompson and Bilton are both lovely and so talented, it was a joy to work with them. I hope they enjoy passing on the skill to school leavers/young artists and that they have fun with it. However it would also be wonderful if they could make it into a viable business and make some money too!
Ballet Gala at the Alliance Française Nairobi - JULY 2019
On July 20th seven International Ballet Dancers came to the Alliance Française from as far afield as Canada, Switzerand, Germany and Denmark to perform a spectacular Ballet Gala in support of young Dancers from the Nairobi slums. The venue was generously offered to our CBO - Anno’s One Fine Day - for this once in a lifetime performance!
It is twelve years since the introduction of Ballet into the Anno’s Africa Arts project by our head of dance and co-director, Anna Nygh. This innovative Ballet programme has become a flagship for the charity after receiving 18 million views from an article shared by the Guardian on line, along with film clips from CNN and Al Jazeera.
This publicity provoked a huge amount of interest from all over the world and led to some top European ballet dancers offering to come and teach the children. In January 2018, an English ballet dancer, Nick Jones and his partner Julia Bergua from Spain, both then dancing with the Ballet de Rhin, came and spent two weeks with the children in KAG and Spurgeons Schools in Kibera. This was an exhilarating and special time both for the children and the dancers and consequently Nick and Julia returned in July 2018 with five other professional dancers to perform at a fund raising Gala in aid of the Arts Programme at the Alliance Française.
In August last year Nick and Julia moved to Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal and this year, during their holiday break they returned...
We were thrilled when they decided to come back again, this time with the addition of Nic’s older brother also – so this year we had all three talented Jones brothers dancing together, namely Nick, his elder brother Alexander, who is the principal dancer from the Zurich Ballet company (and an ambassador for our associates What Dance Can Do) and Oliver the youngest who dances with the Staatsballet, Oldenburg, Germany. The three boys and Julia were also joined this year by Diana Leon from Mexico and James Lyttle from Australia who are also currently dancing with the Montreal company -- and Ji Min Hong from South Korea, a soloist with the Royal Danish Ballet who is another Ambassador for What Dance Can Do. All the dancers came at their own expense and gave up their precious holidays to give this amazingly gift to Anno’s Africa and One Fine Day.
The performance was attended by ambassadors from France, Switzerland and Denmark with representatives also from the German, Australian and the Ukrainian embassies. The venue was packed to bursting point and the audience delighted in the professional dancers performing solos and pas de deux on the stunning outdoor stage with its backdrop of trees and dramatic metal frame and coloured lights. The children from the Arts programme opened the show with a Jazz/traditional dance followed by music from the students from Nakuru school which is 3 hours from Nairobi and where we run a programme. These opening pieces were followed by a series of beautiful dances from the Kibera ballet classes who looked beautiful in the donated costumes that have been flooding in from all over the world, ever since that first publicity.
I t was altogether a stunning and joyful night - and through the sale of “bricks” carrying the names of donors which will be transposed to a wall of the new Arts Centre , we raised enough money to ensure that the Centre being built in the heart of Kibera will have a state-of-the art dance hall with a fabulous sprung floor as well as barres and mirrors so that our dancers will have every opportunity to progress to becoming adult performers and teachers.
The visiting professional dancers were joined before the show by Yen-Ching from Taiwan who has been part of Akram Khan’s company for 5 years and is another ambassador for What Dance Can Do. Although not free to perform at the Gala, Yen Ching worked with our children at the KAG Olympic School in Kibera alongside Consulata the head of contemporary and traditional dance, during a week of inspiring creative dance. She has promised to return next year.
Visit our gallery page to see all the photos from the fantastic night!
It was also announced at the Gala that Leonore Baulac, principal ballerina from the Paris Opera ballet company and another Ambassador for WDCD, who came to Kibera for ten days to teach in January 2019, has arranged for two young girls who she felt showed great potential, to be given the opportunity to join a summer ballet intensive course in France – first at Thonon Les Bains and then in Paris. She has arranged for two scholarships and with the help from various kind donors all travel expenses will be paid and Leonore and her mother will host the children and their chaperone for two weeks, starting on August 16th. . Lenore hopes to return next January to teach the children again and to encourage more young dancers to pursue their dreams…
NAIROBI VISIT BY LEONORE Baulac - “What Dance Can Do”
We were blessed this year in Kibera by the visit of Leonore Baulac an “etoile” and principal dancer with the Paris Opera ballet company. This visit was made possible by a partnership between Anno’s Africa and “What Dance Can Do” a Zurich based organization who promote access to dance for under privileged children and young adults in various parts of the world. Leonore came for 8 days with Aurelia Sellier, the founder of What Dance Can Do and spent time both with the children in their programme and with our Kenyan dance teachers.
Leonore taught ballet to the children from the KAG and Spurgeons School every day for 3 hourly sessions, helping them with the RAD Grade work as well as choreographing some creative dances especially designed for the children to perform at the next gala.
It was very moving to watch Leonore working in the slums with these children of varying abilities and experience – and witnessing the gentle and loving encouragement she gave to all of them.
There were two teenage boys in the class and around 30 girls ranging from age 10 to 16. Mary, who has passed Grade 5 in the RAD exam was given time off from her secondary school in Nakuru to assist in the classes and Leonore took a special interest in her, hoping to help her attend a European dance school when she finishes her secondary education in two years’ time, so that she can train as a teacher in both ballet and contemporary dance. Leonore is also very keen to help two remarkably talented young eleven year olds to go to a summer school in Paris and is working on finding a way to achieve this.
Watch the video by Andrew Birkin here
We will be posting some film footage of Leonore teaching on youtube very soon. Watch this space for the link…
Hayley Mills who has been a Trustee for Anno’s Africa since its inception, went to Nairobi in January with Bee Gilbert to observe the Anno’s Africa programme in action and to teach the drama group in Kibera. Andrew Birkin also joined them for a week to film Hayley’s visit which started with a screening of her first film, “Tiger Bay “at the Alliance Française cinema. The performance was attended by around 40 children from the drama and creative writing groups as well as some of their teachers and a few Kenyan friends of the charity.
Hayley then worked with Godi and Babu – two of our drama teachers and also with Vivian Mtinde – one of the students from Anno’s Africa who has just finished secondary school and has joined the team as a trainee teacher.
Hayley had been expecting around 20 children but ended up with double that number as every child in the drama class was desperate to be involved. The group worked in the garden of the new art centre space and had a wonderful and inspiring time, ending the course with the children themselves enacting a scene from Tiger Bay. Hayley was very moved by the experience of spending time with these talented and affectionate children. When she left they all felt very bereft and begged her to come back again – which I am sure she will do!
We will be posting some footage of Hayley’s vist on youtube very soon - so watch this space for the link.
Dor Mamalia, also an ambassador from What Dance Can Do, is a contemporary/modern dancer and choreographer who has performed and taught all over the world. He came to Kibera for 6 days to work with the traditional African dance class – experimenting with various forms of creative movement. The children absolutely loved him and teachers Consolata and her young trainee teacher were extremely excited by Dor’s input and will be using the dance skills he taught in their classes from now on – especially with regard to the choreography for the new musical they are preparing. The children went wild for this experience and have been asking when Dor will be returning! We all hope it will be some time in the near future.
Aurelia Sellier, the founder of “What Dance Can Do” also worked with a small group of teenagers, assisted by Kades our creative writing teacher, on a programme promoting confidence, self-awareness, leadership and general well- being. This is the basis of Aurelia’s own work with adults but her first time working with such young people. We are sure that her sessions will really benefit the kids in her small group who are mostly in their last year at primary school and about to move on from our Arts programme into secondary education where these life skills will make a huge difference to them attaining their goals.
On 7th July 2019 we held a ballet Gala at the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi with seven visiting international dancers coming to perform on behalf of the charity. They had generously crowd funded their own trip in order to raise funds for our new Arts Centre in Kibera. This event was organized by Nick Jones who had come out in January with his girlfriend Julia Begua and taught our children alongside our head of dance, Anna Nygh.
The Alliance Francaise kindly gave us the outdoor space for free and also organized a photographic exhibition of some of the famous iconic pictures of our ballet children taken by Fredrik Lerneryd in the foyer – with all sales profits to go to Anno’s One Fine Day, the new CBO we have formed to run the programmes in Kenya,
With the clothes we had taken out with us to Nairobi we were able to put together beautiful costumes for all of the children who were to participate in a curtain raiser before the main event. The traditional music and dance children performed also and the evening was MC’s by Larry Asego – a well-known Actor /stand up from Nairobi.
It was decided that any money we made at the Gala would not come to Anno’s Africa but go straight to the Arts centre and in addition to making money on the tickets for the show we also created a mock up “wall” so people could buy a brick on which we wrote their name and they will be similarly acknowledged on the wall of the building itself when it is complete
During the week’s run up to the performance the dancers worked with the kids every day as well as practicing for their own show. The kids learning experience was made extra special for a group of 10 of the advanced children who were invited to spend a day at the Alliance studio for some one-to- one sessions with the professionals. We also held extensive daily rehearsals with Anna, so that by the time the children performed on the 7th they were really confident. Anna was really delighted with the poise and accuracy of their performance and said they did her especially proud with their beautiful feet – as well as all being so perfectly in time.
We also held extensive daily rehearsals with Anna, so that by the time the children performed on the 7th they were really confident. Anna was really delighted with the poise and accuracy of their performance and said they did her especially proud with their beautiful feet – as well as all being so perfectly in time.
The show began at 5.00pm as night was falling, starting with the children’s performances - music, followed by traditional dance and then, after a short interval, our seven visiting dancers, in their amazing costumes, performed extracts from well-known ballets, either as pas de deux or solos, ending with some modern choreography of their own. The children were enthralled and at the end of the performance Nick invited the ballet children back onto the stage and they all performed the “Reverance” together and curtseyed and bowed to rapturous applause from the audience.
This sight of the professional dancers with their arms around our children, who had worked so hard and performed so beautifully, was incredibly moving. This kind of liaison sets a really exciting precedent for the future with all seven dancers longing to come back - and Nick, Julia and Kiara talking about returning in January 2019 when they have their break from their stint with Les Grands Ballet Canadiens in Montreal.
As a result of the Gala we are now more than ever determined to give our Kenyan children all the support they need to advance their ballet schooling. To this end we have been discussing with the dancers and some of our ballet school contacts in London, the possibility of organizing some summer school visits to Europe for the older children and for qualified teachers to come out during the year to hold particular classes in classical and contemporary ballet for all of the kids in the programme. We are also hoping that the older dancers in the group can continue their advanced classes at the Dance Centre Kenya where a number of them they have been lucky enough to have been sponsored to go twice a week and to take their RAD examinations thanks to Cooper Rust’s charity Artists 4 Africa.
bee's Report & newsletter re Nairobi visit, January 2018
Ballet teacher Mike Wamaya has now left Anno’s Africa to pursue his own career and has been replaced by Mischael Victor Okumo – known as Mish, who trained and taught with Cooper Rust at the Dance Centre Kenya.
Our head of ballet, Anna Nygh, has just spent three weeks in Nairobi, training Mish and also two new trainee ballet teachers, Joseph and Atullo in the RAD grades and general teaching skills. So we now have a wonderful team of three trainers for the ballet which is very exciting, with Mish teaching advanced and Joseph and Atullo pre-primary, primary and Grade one. Their involvement will prove invaluable as the numbers of new students wanting to take part in the ballet programme has quadrupled over the last two years.
Anna was delighted to be joined for one week in Kenya by two wonderful professional ballet dancers, Nick Jones and Julia Bergua, from the Ballet de Rhin in Strasbourg France, who helped her to train and also introduced the three Kenyan teachers to various personal training techniques as well as teaching them basic “ Pas de deux”…
Julia and Nick are currently fundraising to bring a charitable European/ African dance gala to Nairobi and the children we work with. You can read more about and support their exciting proposal here.
We have around 40 children at KAG who have been attending classes with us for 2/3 years (the older children having moved to secondary school) and around 27 in the new class - with 30 more waiting to join. At Spurgeons we have around 35 experienced children – with 10 of these going to advanced classes at DCK and taking their RAD examinations up to Grade 4/5, plus we have 35 children at Valley View in Mathare who have been with us for several years – along with further 25 new students in that school also . We also have around 40 kids studying ballet in Nakuru as well, so all in all there are approximately 190 kids in all who are experiencing the joy of ballet training.
We are all extremely happy with the progress of this new ballet programme – and of course the amazing publicity we received this last year through UNICEF and the various media clips on Al Jazeera, CNN and The Guardian Face book clip (over 17 million views) means that we now have enough ballet clothes and shoes to make sure every single dancers is equipped with the essential dance wear – with lots to spare.
And whilst in Nairobi Bee also made sure all the disciplines had any new materials and equipment they needed so they can continue their classes well supplied. All these other classes are going very well and the participating kids will be rehearsing the new Musical that the performing arts and circus team have created, after the Easter holidays. This will then be ready to perform at the opening of the new Anno’s Africa/One Fine Day Children’s Arts Centre which we hope to have up and running by the autumn.
We have also re-commenced the Nakuru programme at Rain Edge Primary School which is funded by Cooper Rust's American based foundation, Artists for Africa. We have also had seven girls and one boy at their new secondary school, all being sponsored by friends of Anno’s Africa.
Finally, Anna Nygh was so inspired by our “Let’s Make a ballet in a Day” – where she choreographed a short ballet for 85 children, that she is now in the process of creating a full length children’s ballet for our Christmas fund raising show in Nairobi.
“Visit our gallery page to view our full collection of Malawi 2017 images”
In September 2017 ANNO’S AFRICA – in association with CIMERA CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS AND ARTS from North Wales, completed an educational performing arts programme with two state schools in Nkhata Bay Northern Malawi; Kalambwe CP and Mkondezi CP. The programme consisted of a week of adult training and development work (with local arts professionals who had been selected from last year’s pilot project in Mzuzu and Usisiya) followed by two weeks working with the kids in the schools and a final performance from both setsof children. The last week was spent in Mzuzu setting up a sustainable curriculum for the Malawian team to follow over the next year.
Prior to commencing the training the Malawian artists, led by James (drama) Emmanuel (music and dance) Hassan (circus skills) and Bilton (art) had identified 4 local trainees and 8 teachers from the two schools who also participated in the adult training.
The dedicated workshops began on September 23rd and were organized by a team from the UK led by Bee, with Jarek teaching drama and directing the shows, Kate, imaginative circus, creative writing and theatre design, Iago and Alex, circus skills and Poppy and Lia, visual art. This group then supported their Malawian counterparts over the next two weeks with day long classes in the various disciplines which revolved around the creation of a theatrical/musical/circus piece exploring the themes of migration and identity through the tale of a Cuckoo’s return home to Malawi from North Wales.
250 children participated with ages ranging from whose 7 to 17 years old. They were all given a midday meal of rice, beans, vegetables and soft drinks which they really appreciated since it was the school holidays so no world food programme was operating for them at that time.
Over the final weekend we held public performances at both schools where parents, guardians, education officers and members of the community turned out in large numbers and really enjoyed the show - and the Malawian artists experienced the exciting process of creating and producing a piece of integrated theatre from start to finish.
Through talking to the Malawian team it is our understanding that Northern Malawian artists lack the opportunity to participate in professional theatre but it is clear that the desire to develop a style of theatre that combines with existing Malawian performance culture is undoubtedly there. Anno’s Africa has therefore decided to support a home grown organisation that is committed to developing both visual and performing arts in the region. This organisation will be called Anno’s Africa Malawi and the team will conduct outreach arts programmes in and around Mzuzu and Nkhata Bay. They have been supplied with all the equipment and materials that they will need by Anno’s Africa for twice monthly workshops.
The group are developing their own vision under the umbrella of Anno’s Africa and looking at ways in which they can generate their own sources of income through public performances and official support from the education authorities. Bee has been and will continue to work closely with James on the administration and structure of future programmes, and the other European professionals will continue to support the Malawian team as and when needed.
Report for Anno’s Africa pilot programme in Malawi, 2016
Overall, our pilot project in Northern Malawi went very well. We partnered up withthe Bristol based NGO, Temwa, who run many varied projects in Northern Malawi, amongst which are some youth and health education programmes where they felt our charity remits could allow us to combine forces.
For this pilot project they set us up with four schools, where we engaged with a total of 450 children who took part in two fortnight long programmes in Art, Drama, Music, Dance and Acrobatics/Circus skills. These classes were held in the afternoons on weekdays, from around 1.30 Pm until 5.00 pm and all day on Saturdays. The children were fed a midday meal each day and fruit squash at the end of the classes.
The programme ran from June 11th until July 10th. Our teaching team from Kenya arrived safely by road from Nairobi, although they were a few hours late after being held for 4 hours at the border with Tanzania by officials wanting bribes. We too were also a day late as our bags didn't make it through from London to Lilongwe, via Nairobi and didn’t arrive in Malawi until the next day. This meant we had to stay overnight in Lilongwe and were therefore half a day late starting the classes. But due to the efficient prior organization from Fishani Msafiri for Temwa, we were able to make up the time and plunge straight in without too much preamble.
Usisya on the lake shore
We all met up in Mzuzu, spent one night there and then headed to the village of Usisya on the lake shore. It was a fairly rough drive over deeply rutted roads and along a final rather treacherous cliff path - but we made it in three and a half hours, in two vehicles, heavily loaded, one with 50 live chickens strapped on top of the bags on the roof, for the children's food. (The live goats came later and were bought locally!) We had hired a seven seater four wheel drive Pajero from Lilongwe for transport for the Anno’s Africa team – rather expensive but not by Malawian standards apparently - but we would not have managed the roads without it. Temwa helped out by loaning their land-rover and driver to deliver (and later collect) the extra luggage and the Malawian trainers to and from the Usisya valley.
For the workshops we had asked all of the schools to arrange for 20 to 25 children in each class (Art, Circus and Drama) with 50 in the combined music and dance group. Of course other children asked to join in so we had a few more than planned in some groups and there was very little drop off which surprised us. The children at the Lake Shore spoke virtually no English in spite of the fact we had been assured that they did all their schooling and exams in English! But it seems they generally copy from the blackboard and learn things parrot fashion with no real understanding of the grammar and practical use of the language. This lack of language posed a few problems as it meant we all had to use our Temwa teachers and the two peer educators who had been allocated per class by Temwa as translators, which was okay but not ideal as everything took twice as long to communicate. But everyone rose to the challenge – although for Jarek (our drama teacher from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama) it was certainly a baptism of fire. After a somewhat difficult first day he had to re-think his planned programme but he managed to overcome the hurdles and he and Kades – and Malawian actor/trainer James who was working with them - held some brilliant classes and taught the children so much about drama and how to use humour and make it all fun. Before getting involved with Anno's Africa the children had predominately seen or participated in drama sessions based on health education, particularly with regard to HIV and how to avoid infection. So our drama course became something rather different for them, with the emphasis on improvisation, trust games and non- verbal theatre. This made it a really creative and enjoyable experience and the children loved the classes. It was a huge pleasure for us at the end of workshop when they performed their very funny and original sketches for the show-case day and had all the children (and adults) in the audience convulsed with laughter.
Music and Dance, led by Abdulla (Lulu) and Consolata, from Kenya, proved to be a great favourite (as always) and Emmanuel, the Malawian musician whom Temwa had found for us, was a great asset. Here again the peer educators were a valuable addition to the classes and joined in enthusiastically. The music and dance kids' performance at the open day finale combined contemporary dance with traditional Kenyan and Malawian steps. The choir learnt songs composed by out Kenyan musicians as well as some Malawian favourites and the Kenyan classic welcome song, “Jambo Bwana” which everyone loved and all joined in singing...
Consulata and Lulu have been teaching with us for 10 years now and know just how to excite and engage these children so it was a joy to sit in on their classes and see these extremely talented children learning so fast and having such fun in the process.
The circus children too achieved so much in the two week programme, thanks to Irush, our Anno’s Africa teacher from Kenya and his Malawian co-trainer, Hassan. These kids always drew an excited crowd when practising the acrobatics, aerial silks and tightrope and hugely impressed the other children and the community when they performed at the open day events.
Joni, our experienced art teacher from the UK, did a spectacular job with her group, following the foundation art course that she had devised in Nairobi. The kids started with colour mixing, as they had never used paints before in the Lake Shore schools (and in the Uplands schools too, only a handful had ever had access to colours and brushes). After making colour wheels and learning how to create more colours from the basic primaries, they then progressed to painting, pastels and mono-printing as well as marbling which they used to make beautiful covers for their sketchbooks that they adapted from old cardboard boxes and which they were so proud to display at the final showcase.
The fact that it gets dark every night at 6 pm (and light at 6am) all year round at the Lake where there was no electricity, made it hard to do much preparation in the evenings so we tended to rise early - with the dawn in fact - in order to keep on top of things and plan the lessons .
We were rather disappointed in the general lack of involvement from the teachers from the schools in Usisya as we had hoped they might be inspired to join in and become a part of the programme - but it was not to be. However, thanks to the beautiful location, and the great advantage of Temwa having a base there and allowing us to use the community hall they had built in the village, it was a very enjoyable and productive couple of weeks. And the children were lovely and desperate for us to come back, of course…
mgzola school in the uplands
Two weeks at the Uplands schools followed the Lake Shore programme and for this we based in Mzuzu which is - at 4,000 feet above sea level, quite a different climate – (it is renowned for being the wettest part of Malawi!) It was pretty cold at night in our tents and cloudy and cool during the day. But fortunately the heavy rains held off so the roads to the villages were not too treacherous, although we still had hour long drives there and back each day.
We felt extremely welcome in the uplands and found the kids to be more confident and inventive than those at the lake – especially at Chikwina School. But the big difference was that in both Uplands schools we had huge support from the headmasters, the teachers and the community in general so it was a very different atmosphere to Usisya, with teachers actively participating in classes and wanting to learn so that they could carry on the programme. Here the kids were a little more sophisticated than their peers by the lake and did better in exams and Chikwina and Mgzola, although still pretty isolated, had notably higher teaching standards and some kids here did speak English - especially those whose parents were fluent and taught them the language at home.
The schools in both upland areas are all brick built but very dark inside the classrooms so in the Drama classes took place outside under the trees and Circus also had perfect outdoor situations for Ariel silks and for the tightrope, so conditions were pleasant and the noisier classes didn't disrupt the quieter ones.
The workshops followed the same pattern as in Usisya but we could only do a performance in one of the schools as they were too far apart to link for the Saturdays as we had done by the lake. So we chose Chikwina for the main final performance as it is also the best “sustainability” pilot school for the future classes to be run by Temwa. However at Mgzola School we did still manage to have a smaller open day at the end of the run where the kids performed for their friends in the other classes as well the school teachers too - so they too got a chance to show what they had achieved.
At the end of the workshops we gave all the participating children certificates confirming they had attended the classes and reached the standard expected of them. We also gave similar certificates to the Malawian artist/teachers and peer educators, confirming their training and support during the Anno’s Africa programme. We have found these documents to be very important acknowledgements in the other regions in Africa where we work and are regarded highly by children and adults alike as they really can make a difference to work and further education applications.
We would like to return to Malawi next year for a further set of workshops, but if this is to be viable it is vital that Temwa organizes a sustainability programme in the interim. This should take the form of classes once a week in one of the schools in the uplands as well as some kind of weekly arts/creativity youth club at the lake shore so that all the children who participated will stay engaged until we can return. Anno’s Africa and Temwa will be getting together to discuss this in September but meanwhile we have left a plentiful supply of art materials, circus equipment and safety crash mats, plus a set of drums for music and dance so the schools have all that they need practically for the classes to continue until we go back.
We very much appreciated the support from our partners, One Fine Day on this project as they not only helped with some of the funding for the programme but also released the Kenyan trainers from their Nairobi teaching commitments for over four weeks.
We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to Claudie Pierlot for their generous donations to Anno's Africa. The Malawi programme was funded mainly from their contribution and we - and the children who participated, are extremely grateful to them.