If you would like to place a bid, please email our Director Bee Gilbert with your highest offer. Offers can be sent after 6.00 pm on 19th; winning bidders will be contacted on or around the 21st June.
Anno's Africa is a UK based charity that offers an alternative, arts education to orphans and vulnerable children in some of Africa’s most desperately deprived city slums.
We are holding an exhibition of artwork from the children in our Malawi programme on Sunday June 19th at The Painting Rooms 1-5 Flitcroft St, London WC 2H 8DH.
In additional to the children’s artwork - which can be viewed here - we are privileged to have a number of paintings donated to Anno's Africa by renowned professional artists on display. These will be available to view at the exhibition and will be for sale via auction.
If you would like to place a bid, please email our Director Bee Gilbert with your highest offer. Offers can be sent after 6.00 pm on 19th; winning bidders will be contacted on or around the 21st June.
ANNO'S AFRICA is a registered charity, whose number is 1131645.
ANNO'S AFRICA is registered with Companies House as a limited company in England and Wales, company number 06966878,
Registered office address: Anno's Africa Limited, Ty Hwnt i’r Gors, Llannor, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL538PX
All enquiries: bee@annosafrica.org.uk
Anno's Africa is GDPR compliant
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